An Innovative Fusion of Art and Technology

"Demultiplexia" is a unique performance that blends technology, neuroscience, and art to create a new dimension of theatrical experience. The core of the project lies in the use of brain-computer interfaces (BCI), which translate the brainwaves of dancers into real-time visual and auditory signals. This showcases the potential of BCI to interpret and visualize human emotions, highlighting advances in real-time data processing.


Key features of the performance include:

Audience Participation: Viewers become part of a "real-time multi-personality," influencing the performance and creating a functioning cybernetic organism.
Non-verbal Communication: The show explores new forms of non-verbal interaction, allowing participants to communicate on a deeper level.
Neurochoreography: The dancers' movements are influenced by the collective brain activity of the audience, creating an interactive performance.
Neurocinematics: Audio-visual elements respond to the emotional state of the audience, blurring the line between performer and observer.
Machine learning: achine learning algorithms analyze audience data to create interactive performance elements.

Themes and Concepts:

Demultiplexia: Examining the impossibility of a cyborg having a consciously existing multiple personality, unlike multiplexia where several personalities coexist in one cyborg.
Collective Consciousness: Exploring the creation of a collective consciousness through technology, erasing boundaries between individual and group identity.
Human-Machine Interaction: Allowing the audience to directly influence the performance through brain activity.

Impact and Significance:

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: A successful example of merging science and art, bringing together artists, researchers, and technology experts to create a unique and innovative performance.
Exploring New Horizons: Paving the way for further research and artistic exploration in neurotheatre and neurocinematics.
Social Commentary: Offering insights on the growing role of technology in our lives and its potential impact on human identity and social interaction.

Core Team Members:

Yuri Didevich (Co-director, Dramatist and Stage Designer): Media artist specializing in interactive performances and audiovisual installations, using real-time computing and BCI technologies.

Aleksander Väljamäe (Co-director,): Associate professor in physiological computing at Tallinn University, Estonia, with extensive experience in EU-funded projects and research in audiovisual media's impact on human perception and emotion.

Rene Nõmmik (Choreographer): Leading Fine 5 Dance Theatre, known for blending various dance styles and improvisation techniques.

Alberto Novello (Composer): Scientist and artist combining nuclear physics with music and video art, creating innovative compositions presented at international festivals.

"Demultiplexia" is a groundbreaking project that pushes the boundaries of traditional theatre, exploring the potential of technology to create new forms of artistic expression and human connection


Lucas Evers (WAAG, Netherlands): Head of the e-Culture program at Waag Society, promoting interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of art, science, design, and society.

Luis Miguel Girão (ArtShare, Portugal/Belgium): Transdisciplinary artist and researcher, coordinating projects linking ICT and art for the European Commission.

© Photo by Caroline Lessire