What is Neurocinema?

Neurocinema is an innovative technology exploring how films affect the brain and trigger emotional responses. By capturing viewers' emotional reactions to individual scenes, the system controls subsequent viewing, creating a self-regulating cybernetic loop.

Technologies and Methods

Individual Viewing:

Film is controlled by a system that automatically tracks viewers' preferences, similar to the interactive film "Bandersnatch."


Performative viewing where a performer, or several selected "editors" from the audience, control the film with their emotions.

Multichannel Neuro-System:

Collective interaction of the entire audience using systems that monitor emotional states.

Utilizes hyperscanning, a method studying brain activity during social interaction.

Types of Films

Specifically Created for Neurocinema:

Films designed to meet the requirements and features of the neurocinematic system.

Reconstructed Films:

Regular films analyzed and specially marked.

During reconstruction, the film's meaning, plot, dialogues, and visuals may change.

Social Aspects

Neurocinema enhances social bonding by synchronizing viewers' emotions through shared experiences. This helps restore social interaction skills, often lost in the era of social media and individual content consumption.

Integration and Application

The neurocinematic system easily integrates into existing cinemas, offering new horizons for both viewers and filmmakers. It’s not just a technology but a new way to experience and interact with films.

Neurocinema brings people together, creating a unique emotional and intellectual experience.

Yuri Didevich created a project to design and show neurocinema in 2018-2019. There were several synematic screenings. In the photos, a demonstration of the first science fiction film "Aelita" by Yakov Protazanov from 1920 in neurocinema mode. A scalable viewer connectivity system was created to collectively analyse viewers' physiological parameters.

Neurocinema: The Future of Film Technology